GRE Word List


highly injurious or destructive : deadly

The meaning of the word pernicious is highly injurious or destructive : deadly.

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impalpableincapable of being felt by touch : intangible
insidioushaving a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle
equipoisea state of equilibrium
lapa loose overlapping or hanging panel or flap especially of a garment
amendto put right
tarantulaany of various large, typically ground-dwelling, hairy, mygalomorph spiders (family Theraphosidae) of warm regions that possess venomous fangs used to subdue and kill prey (such as insects, centipedes, frogs, and mice) caught by ambush or chase and that construct silk-lined burrows but do not build webs to trap food
synthesisthe composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole
buffeta blow especially with the hand