GRE Word List


to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce

The meaning of the word recant is to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce.

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hereafterafter this in sequence or in time
lucrativeproducing wealth : profitable
loatheto dislike greatly and often with disgust or intolerance : detest
tarryto delay or be tardy in acting or doing
nipto catch hold of and squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points : pinch
proxythe agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another
censoriousmarked by or given to censure (see censure
bungleto act or work clumsily and awkwardly
sardonicdisdainfully or skeptically humorous : derisively mocking
alimentaryof or relating to nourishment or nutrition