GRE Word List


a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : clique

The meaning of the word faction is a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking : clique.

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tracta system of body parts or organs that act together to perform some function
darta light spear
indentationthe blank space produced by indenting : indention
dowseto plunge into water
plagiarizeto steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
skulduggeryunderhanded or unscrupulous behavior
bilkto block the free development of : frustrate
seasoneda time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature
ballasta heavy substance (such as rocks or water) placed in such a way as to improve stability and control (as of the draft of a ship or the buoyancy of a balloon or submarine)