GRE Word List
an ecclesiastic (such as a bishop or abbot) of superior rank
The meaning of the word prelate is an ecclesiastic (such as a bishop or abbot) of superior rank.
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Word | Meaning |
succor | relief |
estranged | having lost former closeness and affection : in a state of alienation from a previous close or familial relationship |
dispel | to drive away or cause to vanish by or as if by scattering : dissipate |
incorrigible | incapable of being corrected or amended: such as |
factious | of or relating to faction: such as |
punitive | inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment |
novelty | something new or unusual |
mason | a skilled worker who builds by laying units of substantial material (such as stone or brick) |
generate | to bring into existence: such as |
spectral | of, relating to, or suggesting a specter : ghostly |