GRE Word List


adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around

The meaning of the word prehensile is adapted for seizing or grasping especially by wrapping around.

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portendto give an omen or anticipatory sign of
audaciousintrepidly daring : adventurous
punitiveinflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment
vitiateto make faulty or defective : impair
derivativea word formed from another word or base : a word formed by derivation
piquantengagingly provocative
fervidvery hot : burning
curtailto make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part
hallucinationa sensory perception (such as a visual image or a sound) that occurs in the absence of an actual external stimulus and usually arises from neurological disturbance (such as that associated with delirium tremens, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, or narcolepsy) or in response to drugs (such as LSD or phencyclidine)
repellentserving or tending to drive away or ward off