GRE Word List



The meaning of the word skimp is skimpy.

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ordeala primitive means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control
graduateto receive an academic degree or diploma
distractto draw or direct (something, such as someone's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time
knella stroke or sound of a bell especially when rung slowly (as for a death, funeral, or disaster)
ardoran often restless or transitory warmth of feeling
extenuateto lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of (something, such as a fault or offense) by making partial excuses : mitigate
rhapsodizeto speak or write in a rhapsodic manner
alacritypromptness in response : cheerful readiness
museto become absorbed in thought
reverentexpressing or characterized by reverence : worshipful