GRE Word List
arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination
The meaning of the word salacious is arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination.
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Word | Meaning |
idyll | a simple descriptive work in poetry or prose that deals with rustic life or pastoral scenes or suggests a mood of peace and contentment |
lineage | descent in a line from a common progenitor |
genuflect | to bend the knee |
monumental | serving as or resembling a monument : massive |
migratory | of, relating to, or characterized by migration |
crabbed | marked by a forbidding moroseness |
limbo | an abode of souls that are according to Roman Catholic theology barred from heaven because of not having received Christian baptism |
cite | to call upon officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court) |
reciprocal | inversely related : opposite |
unctuous | having, revealing, or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality |