GRE Word List


a vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler

The meaning of the word plebiscite is a vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler.

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piqueto excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff
promoteto advance in station, rank, or honor : raise
platonicof, relating to, or characteristic of Plato or Platonism
limpto walk lamely
self-righteousconvinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic
visionaryhaving or marked by foresight and imagination
recriminationa retaliatory accusation
commonplacecommonly found or seen : ordinary
stemthe main trunk of a plant
sphinx-likeenigmatic; mysterious