GRE Word List


a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a victory of less importance than that for which a triumph was granted

The meaning of the word ovation is a ceremony attending the entering of Rome by a general who had won a victory of less importance than that for which a triumph was granted.

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matrixsomething within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form
veerto change direction or course
ebbthe reflux of the tide toward the sea
semblanceoutward and often specious appearance or show : form
despiseto look down on with disrespect or aversion
vendettablood feud
abodethe place where one lives : home
curmudgeona crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
conformitycorrespondence in form, manner, or character : agreement
insularitycharacteristic of an isolated people