GRE Word List


to bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity : intermix

The meaning of the word mingle is to bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity : intermix.

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expatiateto move about freely or at will : wander
atheistica person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism
stupefyto make stupid, groggy, or insensible
arablefit for or used for the growing of crops
genealogyan account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms
astringentcausing a tightening of soft organic tissues : styptic
latchto lay hold with or as if with the hands or arms
compellingthat compels: such as
humanitariana person promoting human welfare and social reform : philanthropist