GRE Word List


to be in accord : agree

The meaning of the word jibe is to be in accord : agree.

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haranguea speech addressed to a public assembly
missivea written communication : letter
maelstroma powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius
foreshadowto represent, indicate, or typify beforehand : prefigure
paritythe quality or state of being equal or equivalent
brindledhaving obscure dark streaks or flecks on a usually gray or tawny ground
gavelrent or tribute in medieval England
jocularsaid or done as a joke : characterized by jesting : playful
extenuateto lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of (something, such as a fault or offense) by making partial excuses : mitigate
loungeto act or move idly or lazily : loaf