GRE Word List


to wander from the direct course or way : rove

The meaning of the word straggle is to wander from the direct course or way : rove.

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lucremonetary gain : profit
asyluman inviolable place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors : sanctuary
corrugatedhaving corrugations
obviateto anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary
scruplea unit of capacity equal to ยน/โ‚‚โ‚„ Apothecaries' ounce see Weights and Measures Table
betrayto lead astray
adoreto worship or honor as a deity or as divine
bacchanaliaa Roman festival of Bacchus celebrated with dancing, song, and revelry
brackishsomewhat salty
harrowingacutely distressing or painful