GRE Word List


producing no injury : harmless

The meaning of the word innocuous is producing no injury : harmless.

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ingratiateto gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort
mollifyto soothe in temper or disposition : appease
grazeto feed on growing herbage, attached algae, or phytoplankton
waxa substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructing the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty acids : beeswax
thrashto beat soundly with or as if with a stick or whip : flog
retaliateto return like for like
graphitea soft black lustrous form of carbon that conducts electricity and is used in lead pencils and electrolytic anodes, as a lubricant, and as a moderator in nuclear reactors
tatterto make ragged
statelymarked by lofty or imposing dignity