GRE Word List


of no significance : unimportant

The meaning of the word inconsequential is of no significance : unimportant.

Random words

arbitraryexisting or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will
cadencethe beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity
mediumsomething in a middle position
primatea bishop who has precedence in a province, a group of provinces, or a nation
rendezvousa place appointed for assembling or meeting
expatiateto move about freely or at will : wander
controvertto dispute or oppose by reasoning
whineto utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry
engulfto flow over and enclose : overwhelm
arteryany of the tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body