GRE Word List


an oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats ranged about an open space and used in ancient Rome especially for contests and spectacles

The meaning of the word amphitheater is an oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats ranged about an open space and used in ancient Rome especially for contests and spectacles.

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tactileperceptible by touch : tangible
hamperto restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles : impede
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implyto express indirectly
tenantone who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements of another
narcissistan individual showing symptoms of or affected by narcissism: such as
odoroushaving an odor: such as
synopticaffording a general view of a whole
librettothe text of a work (such as an opera) for the musical theater
contusioninjury to tissue usually without laceration : bruise