GRE Word List


incapable of being passed, traveled, crossed, or surmounted

The meaning of the word impassable is incapable of being passed, traveled, crossed, or surmounted.

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waifa stray person or animal
tributesomething given or contributed voluntarily as due or deserved
apothegma short, pithy, and instructive saying or formulation : aphorism
exorciseto expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration
unsightlynot pleasing to the sight : not comely
catcalla loud or raucous cry made especially to express disapproval (as at a sports event)
callowlacking adult sophistication : immature
pretexta purpose or motive alleged or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs
blatantnoisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner : clamorous
polygamistmarriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time compare polyandry