GRE Word List


so small or unimportant or of so little consequence as to warrant little or no attention : trifling

The meaning of the word negligible is so small or unimportant or of so little consequence as to warrant little or no attention : trifling.

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mangeany of various persistent contagious skin diseases marked especially by eczematous inflammation and loss of hair, affecting domestic animals or sometimes humans, and caused by a minute parasitic mite compare sarcoptic mange
domicilea dwelling place : place of residence : home
repugnancethe quality or fact of being contradictory or inconsistent
scrimmagea minor battle : skirmish
anomalousinconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected : irregular
queerdiffering in some way from what is usual or normal : odd
vouchto supply supporting evidence or testimony
traduceto expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation
collateto compare critically
sovereignone possessing or held to possess supreme political power or sovereignty