GRE Word List


capable of being touched or felt : tangible

The meaning of the word palpable is capable of being touched or felt : tangible.

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casualsubject to, resulting from, or occurring by chance
exposurethe fact or condition of being exposed: such as
curmudgeona crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
mundaneof, relating to, or characteristic of the world
delusionsomething that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated
hostilitydeep-seated usually mutual ill will
decantto draw off (a liquid) without disturbing the sediment or the lower liquid layers
fuss:trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
demurto take exception : object
obsoleteno longer in use or no longer useful