GRE Word List
the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows
The meaning of the word habitat is the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows.
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Word | Meaning |
embezzlement | to appropriate (something, such as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use |
stupor | a condition of greatly dulled or completely suspended sense or sensibility |
viand | an item of food |
progenitor | an ancestor in the direct line : forefather |
tremulous | characterized by or affected with trembling or tremors |
irrelevant | not relevant : inapplicable |
stalemate | a drawing position in chess in which a player is not in checkmate but has no legal move to play |
validate | to make legally valid : ratify |
grate | grating |
plasticity | the quality or state of being plastic |