GRE Word List
moderately warm : lukewarm
The meaning of the word tepid is moderately warm : lukewarm.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
ebullient | boiling |
nautical | of, relating to, or associated with seamen, navigation, or ships |
fetish | an object (such as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner |
blowhard | an arrogantly and pompously boastful or opinionated person : braggart |
shirk | to go stealthily : sneak |
malingerer | to pretend or exaggerate incapacity or illness (as to avoid duty or work) |
quizzical | comically quaint |
dogged | marked by stubborn determination |
fledgling | a young bird just fledged (see fledge |
riveting | having the power to fix the attention : engrossing |