GRE Word List


the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time

The meaning of the word fashion is the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time.

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infiltrateto enter or become established in gradually or unobtrusively usually for subversive purposes
stupora condition of greatly dulled or completely suspended sense or sensibility
apologistsomeone who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something that is typically controversial, unpopular, or subject to criticism
munificentvery liberal in giving or bestowing (see bestow
manaclea shackle for the hand or wrist : handcuff
extricateto free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty
bereavedsuffering the death of a loved one
latentpresent and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active, or symptomatic
verisimilitudethe quality or state of being verisimilar