GRE Word List


a mass for the dead

The meaning of the word requiem is a mass for the dead.

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fanaticismfanatic outlook or behavior
incredulousunwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous : skeptical
handsomehaving a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance
jargonthe technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group
triflinglacking in significance or solid worth: such as
ferociousexhibiting or given to extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality
imperceptiblenot perceptible by a sense or by the mind : extremely slight, gradual, or subtle
arrayto dress or decorate especially in splendid or impressive attire : adorn
subordinateplaced in or occupying a lower class, rank, or position : inferior
sedentarynot migratory : settled