GRE Word List


discreetly cautious: such as

The meaning of the word chary is discreetly cautious: such as.

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solemnityformal or ceremonious observance of an occasion or event
perjurythe voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath : false swearing
malaproposin an inappropriate or inopportune way
dauntlessincapable of being intimidated or subdued : fearless
vigoractive bodily or mental strength or force
gratifyto be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to
fathoma unit of length equal to six feet (1.83 meters) used especially for measuring the depth of water
inherentinvolved in the constitution or essential character of something : belonging by nature or habit : intrinsic
sedentarynot migratory : settled
purveyorone that purveys