GRE Word List


a cause of persistent pain or distress

The meaning of the word affliction is a cause of persistent pain or distress.

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parallelismthe quality or state of being parallel
igneousformed by solidification of magma
propheticof, relating to, or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy
thematicof, relating to, or constituting a theme
congruencethe quality or state of agreeing, coinciding, or being congruent
begrudgeto give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure
bloatedoverfilled and extended with liquid, gas, food, etc.
capricea sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action
ostentatiousattracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness : overly elaborate or conspicuous : characterized by, fond of, or evincing ostentation
squanderto spend extravagantly or foolishly : dissipate