GRE Word List


to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : tempt

The meaning of the word entice is to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : tempt.

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maxima general truth, fundamental principle, or rule of conduct
glibshowing little forethought or preparation : offhand
gamelya physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other
simplisticexcessively simple or simplified : treating a problem or subject with false simplicity by omitting or ignoring complicating factors or details
matrixsomething within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form
latitudeangular distance from some specified circle or plane of reference: such as
phoenixa legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period
accelerateto move faster : to gain speed