GRE Word List


a counsel admitted to plead at the bar and undertake the public trial of causes in an English superior court compare solicitor

The meaning of the word barrister is a counsel admitted to plead at the bar and undertake the public trial of causes in an English superior court compare solicitor.

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missivea written communication : letter
malleablecapable of being extended or shaped by beating with a hammer or by the pressure of rollers
laymana person who is not a member of the clergy
imperativenot to be avoided or evaded : necessary
moribundbeing in the state of dying : approaching death
horoscopea diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a specific time (as at one's birth) for use by astrologers in inferring individual character and personality traits and in foretelling events of a person's life
unctionthe act of anointing as a rite of consecration or healing
extortto obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power : wring
brawlto quarrel or fight noisily : wrangle