GRE Word List


characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit : very eager and enthusiastic

The meaning of the word avid is characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit : very eager and enthusiastic.

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vigoractive bodily or mental strength or force
wrestto pull, force, or move by violent wringing or twisting movements
esotericdesigned for or understood by the specially initiated alone
congruencethe quality or state of agreeing, coinciding, or being congruent
abscondto depart secretly and hide oneself
disparitya noticeable and usually significant difference or dissimilarity
decrepitwasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age
mordantbiting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : incisive
humblenot proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
noxiousphysically harmful or destructive to living beings