GRE Word List


to confound (see confound

The meaning of the word dumbfound is to confound (see confound.

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alludeto make indirect reference
instigateto goad or urge forward : provoke
litanya prayer consisting of a series of invocations and supplications by the leader with alternate responses by the congregation
rentproperty (such as a house) rented or for rent
proscribeto publish the name of as condemned to death with the property of the condemned forfeited to the state
coiffurea style or manner of arranging the hair
pertinenthaving a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand
aphasialoss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend words usually resulting from brain damage (as from a stroke, head injury, or infection)
sagaa prose narrative recorded in Iceland in the 12th and 13th centuries of historic or legendary figures and events of the heroic age of Norway and Iceland