GRE Word List


an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation

The meaning of the word phobia is an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation.

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attritionsorrow for one's sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of God
frittera small mass of fried or sautéed batter often containing fruit or meat
behemotha mighty animal described in Job 40:15–24 as an example of the power of God
phariseea member of a Jewish sect of the intertestamental period noted for strict observance of rites and ceremonies of the written law and for insistence on the validity of their own oral traditions concerning the law
parquetto furnish with a floor of parquet
tendermarked by, responding to, or expressing the softer emotions : fond
scalean instrument or machine for weighing
visagethe face, countenance, or appearance of a person or sometimes an animal
extrudeto force, press, or push out