GRE Word List


of doubtful authenticity : spurious

The meaning of the word apocryphal is of doubtful authenticity : spurious.

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obstetriciana physician specializing in obstetrics
artfulperformed with or showing art or skill
comityfriendly social atmosphere : social harmony
exacerbateto make more violent, bitter, or severe
brackishsomewhat salty
sleighan open usually horse-drawn vehicle with runners for use on snow or ice
digressionthe act or an instance of leaving the main subject in an extended written or verbal expression of thought : the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse or other usually organized literary work
smeltany of a family (Osmeridae) of small bony fishes that closely resemble the trouts in general structure, live along coasts and ascend rivers to spawn or are landlocked, and have delicate oily flesh with a distinctive odor and taste
remorsea gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs : self-reproach