GRE Word List


a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient

The meaning of the word regimen is a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient.

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havocwide and general destruction : devastation
repugnancethe quality or fact of being contradictory or inconsistent
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balma balsamic (see balsamic
impunityexemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss
doteto exhibit mental decline of or like that of old age : be in one's dotage
fancierone that has a special liking or interest
institutionalizeto make into an institution : give character of an institution to
amuleta charm (such as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (such as disease or witchcraft)
amoralhaving or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong