GRE Word List


a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient

The meaning of the word regimen is a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient.

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generateto bring into existence: such as
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sequesterto set apart : segregate
awla pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing small holes (as in leather or wood)
missilecapable of being thrown or projected to strike a distant object
swarma great number of honeybees emigrating together from a hive in company with a queen to start a new colony elsewhere
ethnologya branch of cultural anthropology dealing chiefly with the comparative and analytical study of cultures
philistinea native or inhabitant of ancient Philistia
enlivento give life, action, or spirit to : animate
incantationa use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic