GRE Word List


a green or greenish-blue poisonous pigment resulting from the action of acetic acid on copper and consisting of one or more basic copper acetates

The meaning of the word verdigris is a green or greenish-blue poisonous pigment resulting from the action of acetic acid on copper and consisting of one or more basic copper acetates.

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aridexcessively dry
slanderto utter slander against : defame
geriatricsa branch of medicine that deals with the problems and diseases of old age and the medical care and treatment of aging people
erodeto diminish or destroy by degrees:
acclimateto adapt (someone) to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation
browbeatto intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech : bully
effervescencethe property of forming bubbles : the action or process of effervescing
inconsistencyan instance of being inconsistent
invalidateto make invalid