GRE Word List


capable of being easily led, taught, or controlled : docile

The meaning of the word tractable is capable of being easily led, taught, or controlled : docile.

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credulityreadiness or willingness to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
conformistone who conforms : a person who behaves in accordance with prevailing standards or customs and typically dislikes or avoids unconventional behavior
divulgeto make known (something, such as a confidence or secret)
winceto shrink back involuntarily (as from pain) : flinch
sonorousproducing sound (as when struck)
subpoenaa writ commanding a person designated in it to appear in court under a penalty for failure
clapperone that claps: such as
decantto draw off (a liquid) without disturbing the sediment or the lower liquid layers
stupora condition of greatly dulled or completely suspended sense or sensibility