GRE Word List


of or relating to the kitchen or cookery

The meaning of the word culinary is of or relating to the kitchen or cookery.

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diligencesteady, earnest, and energetic effort : devoted and painstaking work and application to accomplish an undertaking : assiduity
churlishof, resembling, or characteristic of a churl : vulgar
idylla simple descriptive work in poetry or prose that deals with rustic life or pastoral scenes or suggests a mood of peace and contentment
alimentaryof or relating to nourishment or nutrition
memoiran official note or report : memorandum
incontinentnot continent: such as
dilapidateddecayed, deteriorated, or fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse
abrasivecausing damage, wear, or removal of surface material by grinding or rubbing : tending to abrade