GRE Word List


one who conforms : a person who behaves in accordance with prevailing standards or customs and typically dislikes or avoids unconventional behavior

The meaning of the word conformist is one who conforms : a person who behaves in accordance with prevailing standards or customs and typically dislikes or avoids unconventional behavior.

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concurrentoperating or occurring at the same time
infractionthe act of infringing : violation
moribundbeing in the state of dying : approaching death
importto bring from a foreign or external source: such as
imperviousnot allowing entrance or passage : impenetrable
brazenmade of brass
scrapsfragments of discarded or leftover food
frolicsomefull of gaiety : playful
perforateto make a hole through
simulateto give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : imitate