GRE Word List


unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness

The meaning of the word temerity is unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness.

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proclivityan inclination or predisposition toward something
cringeto recoil in distaste
smeltany of a family (Osmeridae) of small bony fishes that closely resemble the trouts in general structure, live along coasts and ascend rivers to spawn or are landlocked, and have delicate oily flesh with a distinctive odor and taste
insipidlacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge : dull
ebbthe reflux of the tide toward the sea
discreditto refuse to accept as true or accurate : disbelieve
protagonistthe principal character in a literary work (such as a drama or story)
impendingoccurring or likely to occur soon : upcoming
prosceniumthe stage of an ancient Greek or Roman theater
toadyone who flatters in the hope of gaining favors : sycophant