GRE Word List


unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness

The meaning of the word temerity is unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness.

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apotheosisthe perfect form or example of something : quintessence
incontrovertiblenot open to question : indisputable
inveighto protest or complain bitterly or vehemently : rail
deliriuman acute (see acute
desperatehaving lost hope
coniferany of an order (Coniferales) of mostly evergreen trees and shrubs having usually needle-shaped or scalelike leaves and including forms (such as pines) with true cones and others (such as yews) with an arillate fruit
polaritythe quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits opposite properties or powers in opposite parts or directions or that exhibits contrasted properties or powers in contrasted parts or directions : the condition of having poles
desperadoa bold or violent criminal
recalcitrantobstinately defiant of authority or restraint