GRE Word List


to make a smudge on

The meaning of the word smudge is to make a smudge on.

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cunningdexterous or crafty in the use of special resources (such as skill or knowledge) or in attaining an end
loftan upper room or floor : attic
restitutionan act of restoring or a condition of being restored: such as
slackento make less active : slow up
extraditionthe surrender of an alleged criminal usually under the provisions of a treaty or statute by one authority (such as a state) to another having jurisdiction to try the charge
ciliatedpossessing cilia
ensueto strive to attain : pursue
largessliberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior
potenthaving or wielding force, authority, or influence : powerful
premeditateto think about and revolve in the mind beforehand