GRE Word List


any of several prophetesses usually accepted as 10 in number and credited to widely separate parts of the ancient world (such as Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, and Italy)

The meaning of the word sibylline is any of several prophetesses usually accepted as 10 in number and credited to widely separate parts of the ancient world (such as Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, and Italy).

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gloatto observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight
immureto enclose within or as if within walls
seduceto persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
minatoryhaving a menacing quality
bookishof or relating to books
perturbto cause to be worried or upset : disquiet
resolutionthe act or process of resolving: such as
gentryupper or ruling class : aristocracy
depravitya corrupt act or practice
mottledmarked with spots of different colors : having blotches of two or more colors