GRE Word List


to flow or pass slowly through fine pores or small openings : ooze

The meaning of the word seep is to flow or pass slowly through fine pores or small openings : ooze.

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contrivancea thing contrived
requisiteneeded for a particular purpose : essential
prolificproducing young or fruit especially freely : fruitful
precludeto make impossible by necessary consequence : rule out in advance
impiousnot pious : lacking in reverence or proper respect (as for God or one's parents) : irreverent
stoutstrong of character: such as
raucousdisagreeably harsh or strident : hoarse
conjureto charge or entreat earnestly or solemnly
marshala high official in the household of a medieval king, prince, or noble originally having charge of the cavalry but later usually in command of the military forces
aspirantone who aspires