GRE Word List


fragments of discarded or leftover food

The meaning of the word scrap is fragments of discarded or leftover food.

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dina loud continued noise
fuss:trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
banallacking originality, freshness, or novelty : trite
derangedmentally unsound : crazy
prefatoryof, relating to, or constituting a preface
universalincluding or covering all or a whole collectively or distributively without limit or exception
coupa sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group : coup d'état
pendulouspoised without visible support
extolto praise highly : glorify
euphemismthe substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant