GRE Word List


to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment : charge

The meaning of the word arraign is to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment : charge.

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ogleto glance with amorous invitation or challenge
disdaina feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn
spasmodicrelating to or affected or characterized by spasm
topographythe art or practice of graphic delineation in detail usually on maps or charts of natural and man-made features of a place or region especially in a way to show their relative positions and elevations
lumenthe cavity of a tubular organ or part
turmoila state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion
unkemptnot combed
bilkto block the free development of : frustrate
timiditylacking in courage or self-confidence
salubriousfavorable to or promoting health or well-being