GRE Word List


most sacred or holy : inviolable

The meaning of the word sacrosanct is most sacred or holy : inviolable.

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repelto drive back : repulse
extemporaneouscomposed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment : impromptu
exoticintroduced from another country : not native to the place where found
prefatoryof, relating to, or constituting a preface
indentationthe blank space produced by indenting : indention
tendentiousmarked by a tendency in favor of a particular point of view : biased
fallaciousembodying a fallacy
oozea soft deposit (as of mud, slime, or shells) on the bottom of a body of water
berserkan ancient Scandinavian warrior frenzied in battle and held to be invulnerable
largessliberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior