GRE Word List


to attack violently : assault

The meaning of the word assail is to attack violently : assault.

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disgorgeto discharge by the throat and mouth : vomit
blotchto mark or mar with blotches
cessationa temporary or final ceasing (as of action) : stop
libela written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought
sublimeto cause to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state and condense back to solid form
whima capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind : fancy
lexicographeran author or editor of a dictionary
limberhaving a supple and resilient quality (as of mind or body) : agile
procrastinateto put off intentionally and habitually
accretionthe process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup: such as