GRE Word List


one that affords aid or refuge : resource

The meaning of the word resort is one that affords aid or refuge : resource.

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quaintpleasingly or strikingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar
primordialfirst created or developed : primeval
nihilista viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless
shrewany of a family (Soricidae) of small chiefly nocturnal insectivores related to the moles and distinguished by a long pointed snout, very small eyes, and short velvety fur
rigto fit out with rigging
imbroglioan acutely painful or embarrassing misunderstanding
infractionthe act of infringing : violation
scorchto burn a surface of so as to change its color and texture
shuntto turn off to one side : shift
malignanttending to produce death or deterioration