GRE Word List


of, relating to, or resembling a colossus

The meaning of the word colossal is of, relating to, or resembling a colossus.

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appropriateespecially suitable or compatible : fitting
impeccablefree from fault or blame : flawless
oustto remove from or dispossess of property or position by legal action, by force, or by the compulsion of necessity
belligerentinclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness
compunctionanxiety arising from awareness of guilt
rendto remove from place by violence : wrest
tightwada close or miserly person
juxtaposeto place (different things) side by side (as to compare them or contrast them or to create an interesting effect)
wrongheadedstubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles
invoketo petition for help or support