GRE Word List


to present and urge reasons in opposition : expostulate

The meaning of the word remonstrate is to present and urge reasons in opposition : expostulate.

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flaira skill or instinctive ability to appreciate or make good use of something : talent
busta sculptured representation of the upper part of the human figure including the head and neck and usually part of the shoulders and breast
besmirchto cause harm or damage to the purity, luster, or beauty of (something) : sully
mercantileof or relating to merchants or trading
spatulaa flat thin implement used especially for spreading or mixing soft substances, scooping, or lifting
heterogeneousconsisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents : mixed
insubstantialnot substantial: such as
halcyoncharacterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity : golden
refractiondeflection from a straight path undergone by a light ray or energy wave in passing obliquely from one medium (such as air) into another (such as glass) in which its velocity is different
derivationthe formation of a word from another word or base (as by the addition of a usually noninflectional affix)