GRE Word List


an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr

The meaning of the word relic is an object esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr.

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bickerpetulant quarreling : altercation
prelatean ecclesiastic (such as a bishop or abbot) of superior rank
shacklesomething (such as a manacle or fetter) that confines the legs or arms
precipitateto throw violently : hurl
gamelya physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other
badgerany of various burrowing mammals (especially Taxidea taxus and Meles meles) of the weasel family that are widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
paraphrasea restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form
reposea state of resting after exertion or strain
culverta transverse drain
moratoriuma legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt