GRE Word List


a brown or black complex variable material resulting from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic (see organic

The meaning of the word humus is a brown or black complex variable material resulting from partial decomposition of plant or animal matter and forming the organic (see organic.

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somnambulistan abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (such as walking) are performed
unprecedentedhaving no precedent : novel
polaritythe quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits opposite properties or powers in opposite parts or directions or that exhibits contrasted properties or powers in contrasted parts or directions : the condition of having poles
blurtto utter abruptly and impulsively
consonanceharmony or agreement among components
snickerto laugh in a covert or partly suppressed manner : titter
palliddeficient in color : wan
visionaryhaving or marked by foresight and imagination
astutehaving or showing shrewdness and an ability to notice and understand things clearly : mentally sharp or clever
gestateto carry in the uterus during pregnancy