GRE Word List


a hotheaded person

The meaning of the word hothead is a hotheaded person.

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interrogateto question formally and systematically
omniscienthaving infinite awareness, understanding, and insight
implacablenot placable : not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated
sluggarda habitually lazy person
rotethe use of memory usually with little intelligence
audaciousintrepidly daring : adventurous
clairvoyanthaving clairvoyance : able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception
solsticeeither of the two points on the ecliptic at which its distance from the celestial equator is greatest and which is reached by the sun each year about June 21 and December 21
dormantrepresented on a coat of arms in a lying position with the head on the forepaws
physiognomythe art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance