GRE Word List


to criticize sharply : reprimand

The meaning of the word rebuke is to criticize sharply : reprimand.

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husbandrythe cultivation or production of plants or animals : agriculture
ludicrousamusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity
materialisma theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter (see matter
breedto produce (offspring) by hatching or gestation
depredationto lay waste : plunder
teetotalismthe principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks
scavengeto remove (dirt, refuse, etc.) from an area
tutelageinstruction especially of an individual
ruminantan animal that chews the cud
consensusgeneral agreement : unanimity